Dear reader, you are probably here now because you thought that I’d speak about vehicles right ? Actually, you I’m not, but trust me, you won’t waste time reading this, so bare with me for some minutes, this might actually help you.
At first, let me tell you what C.A.R stands for, C for Challenges, A for Actions and R for Results, you’ve started to get the idea right ?
In the last few days, I’ve been through a lot, I had to deal with a load of struggles during my work, or let’s call it; challenges, but whenever a challenge comes across my work path, I do my best to get passed it and resolve it and that’s -my dear reader- what actions are, and finally, you’ll have the chance to see your results, and no matter what the results are, I can assure you that during this challenges you’ve learnt a lot and you’ll do even better next time.